Just blame God.

Sure, just blame God.

Isn’t it funny how some people question the words “Under God” on currency or complain of a sculpture that has scripture on it, but those same people have no problem taking Christian holidays off from work?

Is it not weird that we are barred from saying the Pledge of Allegiance or having open prayer in schools, but when something terrible happens and the world becomes more and more callous, those same people wonder why? The further we push God from our everyday lives, the worse people seem to be to each other… coincidence? Probably not.

My personal favorite – is when natural disasters happen and your insurance company can call it “an Act of God” and not cover it.

Sure, just blame God. It must be His fault. We have become so desensitized to shutting up when it inconveniences someone else, but those same people telling Christians to hush get to blame God for every other little thing gone wrong. It’s easy to blame God when something goes wrong. Have you recently thought of all of the things that have gone right? All of the good in your life?

If there were a God, people would not suffer. If there were a God, there would not be cancer. If there were a God, people would not kill each other. Just blame God – it is so easy, isn’t it? I do not have answers for all of these things. I know God, but I do not know all of his plans. I know God, but I also know that there is pure evil in this world and there has been since the beginning of time as referenced in the Bible. I know God, but I know He gives us all choices. We are free to choose, but we are not always free of the consequences of those choices.

Until I became a parent myself, I don’t think I ever could fathom the enormous amounts of love that not only my own parents had for me, but that God had for me.

On this Good Friday, remember that Jesus died for us. Why would anyone who loves us so much that He would send His only son to die for us and for our sins want to inflict pain upon us? He wouldn’t. Christianity isn’t convenient. Forgiving someone is hard. Forgiving someone who isn’t sorry is harder. Having to ask for forgiveness is often the hardest.

God is love and love always wins. Have a wonderful Easter rejoicing that we GET to forgive people and ask for forgiveness because of the Man on the Cross.

Much love.
